United States Ship Everett F. Larson DD-830

In each ship there is one man who, in the hour of emergency or peril at sea can turn to no other man. There is one who alone is ultimately responsible for the safe navigation, engineering performance, accurate gunfire and morale of his ship. He is the Commanding Officer. He is the ship! This is the most difficult and demanding assignment in the Navy. There is not an instant during his tour as Commanding Officer that he can escape the grasp of command responsibility. His privileges in view of his obligations are almost ludicrously small; nevertheless Command is the spur which has given the Navy its great leaders. It is a duty which most richly deserves the highest, time-honored title of the seafaring CAPTAIN.

by Joseph Conrad
United States Ship Everett F. Larson DD-830
If You Know a Captains Name that Should be here, Please Email Me! Thank you! * Departed Shipmate
Date Name * Departed Shipmate Rank
1945 - 1946 Horace (Mike) Myers * Commander USN
1946 - 1947 Francis A. Mckee* Commander USN
1947 - 1948 Kenneth West* Commander USN
1948 - 1950 Kenneth L. Veth* Commander USN
1950 - 1952 H.P Lair* Commander USN
1952 - 1953 Arthur H. Bryant* Commander USN
1953 - 1955 Paul G. Adams* Commander USN
1955 - 1957 Douglas Plate Commander USN
1957 - 1958 A. R. Evers* Commander USN
1958 - 1960 Thomas C. Harbert, Jr.* Commander USN
1960 - 1961 Dale V. Schermerhorn* Commander USN
1961- 1963 Robert D. Wood* Commander USN
1963 - 1964 Carl R. Quanstrom Jr*. Commander USN
1964 - 1966 Donald R. Schaffer* Commander USN
1966 - 1968 John G. Palmer* Commander USN
1968 - 1970 Alexander W. Rilling* Commander USN
1970 - 1971 Harvey F. Rogers Commander USN
1971 - 1972 Lee O. Smith* Commander USN
1972 - ROK James C. Toland Lt. Commander USN


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